WOK Ekphrastic Writing Seminar
by Carla Joy Martin
I will be the featured presenter at the Writers of Kern Meeting on September 18, 2022, at Hodel’s Country Dining, 5917 Knudson Drive, Bakersfield at 9:00 a.m. We will be exploring EKPHRASTIC WRITING – which is turning to visual images for writing inspiration.
I will show works of art by John Singer Sargent, Frida Kahlo, David Hockney and Henri Matisse. After giving their biographical information, I will offer writing prompts. Workshop participants will be given time to jot down their responses to these paintings, then to share their ideas with the group if they so desire.
My goal is for folks to uncover unconscious thoughts and create passages that can enhance their memoirs, short stories, poems and novels. I hope to illustrate how visual images can be used to add details and richness to one’s writing.
This event is $15 for WOK members, $18 for non-members. Tickets can be purchased at Hodel’s or on the WOK website and include the breakfast buffet.